w/ Berks County Sheriff Eric Weaknecht.

"Serving the people of Berks County as Commissioner is a special honor and something that I do not take for granted. Since begining my service as your Commissioner in 2008, we've seen many positive changes in our community and county government. We are fiscally sound, the unemployment rate is lower than when I took office and Berks County Government is something our citizens can be proud of. I know that working together with Commissioner Rivera we can continue working to make Berks County even better. Together - Making Berks Better!"
— Christian Leinbach, Berks County Commissioner
Foundations - Declaration of Independence, US Constitution and PA Constitution
Fiscal responsibility
To serve the people honestly, courageously and humbly while honoring my God and my oath to both the United States and Pennsylvania Constitutions.
I believe in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence as foundational to our Republic.
I believe in smaller and efficient government and the power of individual initiative and responsibility.
I believe that Character matters and that there is no replacement for hard work and honesty.
I believe that government today spends, taxes and regulates too much.
I believe in free enterprise with moral absolutes...winning isn't the only thing...it matters as much how one wins.