(left to right: Back Row - William, Christian, Jennifer & Matthew
Front Row - Hannah, Darbie, Logan, Gracie, Laura & Amber)
Christian Yancik Leinbach was born in 1959 in Phoenixville, Chester County, Pennsylvania and is the oldest of five children born to Christian N. and Valeria Y. Leinbach. His parents instilled in him the ideals of faith in God, love of family, and respect for one's fellow man.
One of his first jobs was working in his father's construction company cleaning and sweeping up construction sites like Ed and Josie Hartman's farm on Route 183 across from the Reading Airport.
Nurtured by first-generation Slovak grandparents (his mother's parents) and his Pennsylvania Dutch grandparents, Clem and Anna Leinbach, young Christian learned firsthand the value of hard work, frugality, and the blessings of living in America. In 1979, He accompanied his Aunt Mary and Aunt Alice to visit relatives who lived behind the Iron Curtain in what was then Czechoslovakia and Hungary. It was an eye-opening, life-changing experience that became the impetus for his involvement in government to preserve freedom for future generations.
In 1981, Christian married his college sweetheart Jennifer, who also has roots in Berks County. Her ancestors, the Zellers, built the first fresh water fort near Bethel in the early 1700s. Christian and Jennifer moved into Berks County in the fall of 1988 and have three adult children: Matthew Leinbach (son) & Amber Day, Laura Leinbach (Daughter), and William (son) & Hannah Leinbach. Laura has three children; Gracie, Logan & Darbie. Christian and Jennifer reside in a log home built by hand with family and friends near Hamburg.
An avid gardener, Christian takes great satisfaction and pride in growing vegetables for the family. Always eager for the opportunity to spend time in the great outdoors, Christian's favorite place to hike is the Pinnacle for the best view of the community he loves to serve and call home.

Chairman, Berks County Board of Commissioner 2011-present
​President, County Commissioners Association of PA (CCAP), 2013
​Chairman of the Board, CCAP 2014
​CCAP County Governance Committee
​CCAP Academy Committee
​National Association of Counties(NACo), Executive Committee 2014 - July 2020
​NACo, Board of Directors 2012 - present
​NACo, Transportation Committee
​NACo, Membership Committee
President, National Association of Counties National Conference of Republican County Officials 2013-2014
2010 Graduate of the CCAP Academy Program
2013 NACo Membership Recruiter of the Year Award
2014 Graduate of the CCAP Advanced Academy Program
Received the NCRCO Republican County Official of the Year Award for 2014
Received 2014 the C. Alan Walker Award from the Dept. of Community & Economic Development (DCED) for Public-Private Partnerships
Received the 2015 Governor's Award for Local Government Excellence from DCED
Received the 2016 Richard C. Trostle Intergovernmental Cooperation Award
Council on Chemical Abuse’s 2016 President’s Award
I-LEAD 2018 Community Hero Award
Berks County 2019 YR Supporter Award
2021 Lehigh Valley Businesses Power 100 Leaders
2022 Lehigh Valley Businesses Power 100 Leaders
2022 County Commissioners of PA President's Award
2023 TriCounty Area Chamber James K. Boyer Quality of Life Award