Commissioner Leinbach's
2023 Goals & Objectives
Budget and Spending - Keep spending under the rate of inflation and Berks fiscally sound
16 years with only a 10% increase in County Property taxes. Inflation for the same period is approx. 40%
Continue to focus on employee count
FT – 2132
PT – 459
Total - 2591
2022 (End of year)
FT – 1733
PT – 255
Total - 1988
Continued focus on SET(Savings and Efficiency Team) - Commissioner Rivera
Use the balance of ARP (American Rescue Plan) dollars for critical needs projects. This is between $4-$6mil
New Berks County Management Team - See that new team has the support and resources necessary to drive the new mission and vision for Berks County government
Establish and new "meaningful and achievable" mission and vision statement for Berks County Government and separately for each department
Have long-term strategy in place for the new COO/Deputy COO team in the first quarter of 2023
Dept. stability. Team environment
Dept. succession planning
Begin implementation of that strategy in 2nd quarter of 2023
Elections - Work to reinstate strong voter confidence in the department and voting process here in Berks County and across PA
Election Dept. - Fully staffed and delivering elections in 2023 that run smoothly and build voter confidence
Restructure Department and fully staffed by end of 2023
Provide a detailed process review of the entire department identifying pinch points, areas that need procedural improvements, etc.
Continue updating policies and procedures manual (This effort began in 2022 but must be an ongoing effort)
Complete the improvements of election operations at the South Campus
Finalize the location for our main election offices as well as location for canvassing
Election Reforms - Support legislative initiatives to restore and strengthen election integrity and clarify election law
Legislative Priorities
Voter ID laws, not a constitutional amendment, implemented in PA in 2023
Moving back the Mail-In Application date from 7 days before the election to 14
Canvassing - This issue requires further review. With the addition of technology as well as more experience with the process this is a less of an issue most PA counties. The larger the county the more likely that this may be an issue
Other Legislative Reforms
Drop box rules
Clarify law on dated/undated mail-in ballots
Clarify signatures verification
In-Person voting
Mail-In and Absentee ballots applications
Mail-In and Absentee ballots outer envelopes
Clean up voter rolls via state rules
Address reliability issues with the SURE system
Address the Naked ballot issue
Address Curing Ballots
Transportation - Support and implement projects that are critical to the local safety and economy of Berks County and that respect the transportation users and taxpayers
Two top priorities remain Berks 222 Corridor completion and the West Shore By-Pass. These arteries are critically important to Berks County, but state funding continues to be a problem.
Gov. and legislature must address declining state dollars continue to be an issue. Formula for transportation is a major problem. The real key should be user-based fees. Vehicle Type, weight, miles traveled.
Berks County’s legal action on bridge tolling was successful in 2022. We need to keep an eye on PennDOT in 2023 to see if this or something similar is brought up.
Passenger Rail Service - Continue to move forward with the restoration
The SRPRA was formed in April 2022
Berks also establish a Berks Technical Advisory Committee
Three-year reauthorization requirement - April 2025 in 2022
SRPRA hired a consultant and an Interim Exec. Dir.
SRPRA and team are working on next steps
FRA Application for the corridor ID program
Negotiations with Amtrak relative to the three proposed PA lines extensions
Negotiations with Norfolk Southern
New Berks County Correctional Facility - Pause the plans for construction and focus on who should and should not be incarcerated from a justice, cost and humane perspective
Public process will continue with CGL and BCCF team
The new jail project is being placed on hold due to serious cost concerns.
Reviewing the size of the jail and consider ways to dramatically lower the jail population
Mental Health alternatives
Day Reporting in lieu of Work Release
Continue to support diversionary programs
Other options to address jail population
Timeline is obviously impacted by this hold.
Berks County Health Study - Review results and recommendations of the study and act in the best interest of health and safety of the public as well the taxpayers
Results should be complete by March 2023
Recommendations will likely address multiple stakeholders and not just potential county action
Reading Regional Airport - Aggressively promote aviation growth and business development and begin implementation of the recently completed BBP strategic plan
Authority Board Reformulated
Commissioner acted in 2022 Authority Board Request to dissolve the board and move the Airport to a County Dept.
Reformulated Authority Board composed of Berks County Commissioners, COO and Dir. of Community and Econ. Dev.
Moved from one regular meeting a month to two. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.
Formed an Airport Tenant Advisory Committee that has a formal spot on the agenda the 3rd Tuesday of the month
Plan to finalize and implement the BBP Strategic Plan in 2023
Focus on solid long-term financial plan for airport
Determine the future of the Sewer Plant - Highest and best use
Support completion of the Met-Ed/First Energy 69KV line.
Support growth of overall aviation business at the airport in 2023
Commercial Service
Flight School
Development of non-aviation property
Facilities - Continue to maintain existing facilities in a cost-effective manner and determine the most efficient and cost-effective use of the core county facilities
Space Allocation Study
Completion of study no later than May 2023
Begin implementation of study in 2023
AG Center Renovations - Completion of at least Phase 1 of the AG Center renovation
Repurposing the BCRC
Provide fair transition for BCRC staff
Identify the highest and best use the facility.
Economic Development - Strengthen our engagement in core economic development efforts throughout the county
Continue our strong partnership with GRCA
Business retention and attraction
Special focus on key sectors
American Rescue Plan
Continue to track and audit dollars already approved/expended
Hold remaining balance for critical projects/needs. No additional funding rounds
Imagine Berks (County Economic Dev. Strategy)
Continued implementation of strategy
Monitor the results across key areas
Business & Industry Growth
Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Infrastructure & Land Use
Talent & Economic Mobility
Continued partnerships with these authorities with a focus on being accountable for the use of taxpayer dollars
Determine that these authorities continue to meet or exceed their mission parameters
When possible, have these authorities support the needs or mission within county government departments