Thank you
for your donation!
May 30th Picnic & Cornhole Tournament
Commissioners Leinbach & Rivera are co-hosting a picnic in the park with games, fellowship, and amazing food on Thursday, May 3oth at Jim Dietrich Park in Muhlenberg Township.
Join us from 5-7 PM and enjoy a delicious picnic dinner celebrating Berks and Hispanic cuisines.
Jim Dietrich Park
4899 Stoudts Ferry Bridge Rd
Reading, PA 19605
Up for a little friendly competition? Grab a teammate and register for our annual cornhole tournament. Its only $20 a team. A mximum of twenty two-person teams will compete. Add on a tournament entry when you register to attend below.
Sponsor, Attend, and Compete!
Platinum Sponsor: $1,000
Event Flyer Recognition
Website Recognition
12 Picnic Tickets
Gold Sponsor: $500
Event Flyer Recognition
Website Recognition
8 Picnic Tickets
Silver Sponsor: $250
Website Recognition
4 Picnic Tickets
Single Ticket: $25
Kids 12 and under attend free
Cornhole Tournament Team Registration: $20
Limit 20 teams
Use your credit card below or donate by personal check: (Corporate donations are not accepted).
Made to: Leinbach for Commissioner
Mail to: Leinbach for Commissioner, P.O. Box 6815, Reading, PA 19610
Please include your name, address, phone and occupation.